Music network  

The Music Network in Catalonia, created in 1995 by the Federation of Musical Youths of Catalonia, is a concert circuit aimed at promoting young professional musicians, especially in the field of classical music. With over 3,900 concerts held in more than 50 towns, the circuit also includes contemporary music, jazz, and folk music. In Torroella and l’Estartit, the Network is part of the established concert season, providing a key space for showcasing emerging talent and for new generations of performers.

Price for Members and EMMT students: Free | Price for Non-Members: €10 -15.

Milan Perišic, baríton & Quimey Urquia, piano
Milan Perišic, baríton & Quimey Urquia, piano
Fauré i Verdi, suprems melodistes
01.02.25 | 19:00 h
Auditorium Espai Ter
Music network
Joan Miquel Fiol, piano
Joan Miquel Fiol, piano
29.03.25 | 19:00 h
Auditorium Espai Ter
Music network
Generalitat de Catalunya
Generalitat de Catalunya
INAEM 2023
INAEM 2023
Diputació de Girona
Diputació de Girona
Ajuntament de Torroella de Montgrí
Ajuntament de Torroella de Montgrí
Patronat Turisme
Patronat Turisme
Cultura i identitat
Cultura i identitat
Jorquera Pianos
Jorquera Pianos
Club Nàutic Estartit
Club Nàutic Estartit
Gisela Graham
Gisela Graham